Sunday, February 16, 2014

Ostrich Ranch

I am trying to catch up on our travels so I wanted to tell you about our trip to the Rooster Cogburn Ostrich Ranch. The ranch is just down the frontage road from our RV park so we finely decided to go check it our, in hopes that the monster truck ride tour would take us our behind the park and into the hill we look at every day.  Our friend Steve and Yvonne were with us , so we hopped on our bikes and rode over and got our tickets. in large pens they have deer, Ostrich, goats, prairie dogs and birds.

After you look ,feed and laugh at these animals, you load up into a small bus that has huge wheels and looks like a monster truck and your driver guide takes you out into the desert area(not far) into their 600 acres  of pasture. They drive over dry river beds and other things to make you bounce out of you seat and stop and give you info about the desert.
 the three amigos
 dead cactus

 Ostrich fishing  they have poles with clips on the end, and put orange slices in the clips and feed"fish" for them.

they passed around a box with a dead rattle snake in it, stood on an ostrich egg to show how strong they are and took us back to the beginning. there we went into the Lonekeet bird house. they give you a little cup with a lid on it and say just go in and the birds will land on you, open the cup and drink the liquid. so Steve took the cup and in we went.

while we were watching the birds, Yvonne screamed and we all turned to see what was happening and all it was , was that a bird had pooped all down her arm and surprised her. funny for us but not her. I had a bird land on my shoulder and walk down my arm. it was preaty cool to be in the "cage" with all the birds.

It was a fun trip and we really did learn a lot. Fun and enjoyable time.

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