Well, here is Linda in the Gulf Of Mexico the day we arrived. She says it was warm but I haven't tried it yet. Today we walked two miles of beach and as if we didn't get enough, my lovely wife wanted to ride the bikes. I told her to have a ball and off she rode around the park. It looks like a couple of months of exersize if you ask me. We drove the couple of miles to town and checked out the local hardware store, and I love it! We went to eat at the Wildhorse Saloon, a little dark shaby bar, but it had the best burgers and fries!! Brian S. you would love it!!! We are going up to the rec hall later for the Ice Cream social, and I am quite pleased about this venture!! The neighbors have us all signed up for the pot luck supper for tomorrow nite so we are figuring out what to bring. if I could get some "Snows" clam chowder I could make lots of frineds, but we are thinking of Zitti Lasagna but still not sure. I would love tomake something from the "north". maybe snow cones haha. The other neighbors have planned a outting to the local pizza buffet for Wednesday nite and quite a few folks are coming so we can all meet and I guess they may want to watch how the folks from away eat pizza. They are all pumped up about it, as the place has chocolate pizza and they all love it. I plan on grazing thru the whole deal. The lady across the street came and got me this morning and took me across to her house and introduced me to her husband and a few of his friends and it was just like hanging out with my normal friends, joking about who had the most junk and who could get the best deal on a golf cart. Alot of folks have these "hi ride" golf carts. the have lift kits, super shocks and mud buggy tires for riding on the beach. some are very tricked out and appear to be quite expensive. you can't have "rented" carts in the park but you can lease them by the month, but have to return them by spring break time. I think that may be about the time we leave here. To listen to all the guys, it is quite the sight here with over 60,000 kids all over the beach. The guys across the way(older than me) get all excited and brag about whos going to get "lucky" this year. You can amagine these old farts having a ball about all the excitement. We've only been here a couple of day but seem to be fitting in pretty good. linda has all the names down and I just say Hi and introduce myself again, as I know most guys don't remember my name any more than I do theirs. Linda and I sat out behind the rv , out of the wind but it was still a little cool so came in to clean. ya right! i have already washed the truck, Armoralled the tires. I think the truck will get more attention here than it does at home. that is untill I figure out the fishing tricks. They are all catching Whiteing, red drum, and other fish that I have never heard of, and they say it's one right after the other. I plan on observing the fellow a couple of spots down as he is from PA and all he does is hunt at home and fish here. Rick C. a man after your own heart, and I will learn from him as I have from you. As I wrote yesterday Linder, is what everyone hears me say when I introduce Linda to them, most are polite enough to figure out that I do know her name but just can't pronounce it like the rest of the world. I am from Maine and that doesn't seem to change. nor would I want it to!! My next adventure is to find a banjo player and get some instructions so I can play something. Well I have
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