Monday, January 30, 2012
Sunday Jan 29 2012

Monday JAN 30,2012
Well, we just got home from Happy Hour. We started by going across the street and visiting at the neighbors and a lot of other folks from right in the area. We then went up to the Pot Luck supper at the rec hall. Linda and I had made a big Zitti Lasagna that went over pretty good. We rode up with our next door neighbors and got introduce to the whole croud as Russ and Linda from new hampshire and met some nice folks. The folks we went with were staying for bingo so we walked back and went across the street again. It was so much fun. The folks there took a golf cart and went and got the “bingo” couple. We took the left over lasagna and it was pretty much all eaten. They had music and some were dancing and we all had a ball. Linda has made fast friend with the ladys and the guys too. They all are so accepting and most have been coming here for a number of years. The rain finely kind of washed things out and we old folks all broke up by 8pm. There are now three Lindas in the group so it’s kind of interesting to watch when someone calls out for Linda. I am trying to get everyones names down , and some are pretty easy but some just won’t stick. Earlier today we went into town. Back to the hardware store, the IGA and just finding our way around. Not a lot there but everyone is really pleasant and chat’s up a storm. The wind was quite calm so we could sit outside for awhile. I patched a small hole on the roof that my earlier putty didn’t stick, glad I got it done as it’s rained quite hard, off and on all evening. Not a lot to tell but we are excited to meet a lot of great people that want to show us everything and better yet want us involved with them. I know all our friends would fit right in and wish you all could be here to meet them too. (Linda now) These folks are just like everyone we spend time with at home. They enjoy having fun and have more time to have that fun-no work. I am thinking that Russ must be the youngest one here, but then age doesn’t seem to make any difference here. It might in the morning, when people are creaking as they get up, but we are having fun. Tomoroow I go for aerobics at 8:00 and then who knows what else after that. We feel right now that we have found a home for the winter. Who knew it would be in Texas
betsy our neighbor took alot of pictures and I hope to get some to post here
betsy our neighbor took alot of pictures and I hope to get some to post here
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday Jan 28
We are here!! We got to Port Aransas yesterday afternoon, after a long drive. It felt long but not that far mileagewise but long because of very strong head winds and a little "Garmin" GPS issue when we got close. The much antisipated ferry ride across the channel was so easy that I wondered why I had been concerned. We got setup and had and early nite. This morning we went up to the REC hall and had a great breakfast and chatted with some of the "locals" as we have started calling the park regulars. We walked around the park and met some more folks and then Linda went for a long walk on the beach and I met John our next door neighbor. He's quite the character and has taken me under his wing to learn the park and introducing me to everyone. as he says he has a little dememtia so may repeat stuff. he doesn't lie. I met the builder of all the steps, fences, stairs etc , he's been coming here for 9 years. I should explain that I feel pretty young around here, as I met "stairbuilder"(I can't remember his name) when he came from next door to see if I had a bandaid as he had just drilled a small hole into his finger and that because he's on Cumidum he bleeds very easy. Well, I got him aided up and then chatted and held things while he finished building steps I had a ton more written and the internet crashed so from now on I'm going to write in windows and then copy and paste into this online contraption. we met lots of folks and are having a blast. your friendly folks from away. Russ and Linder( the Conners will understand)
Russ is a bit frustrated as he had written more and seems to have lost it. We have also met Betsy (John's wife); and our neighbors to the left who have a dog and she loves yellow, and their names are Mary and Larry; and the folks next to them who are from PA, who's names are Mike and Kathy. I am trying to jot their names down so that we can remember them all.
We have been invited to go out with Betsy and John for a pizza buffet on Monday along with any of the neighbors who would like to go. I think we are going to like this place. We really haven't met the folks across the street, but there's always tomorrow
We are here!! We got to Port Aransas yesterday afternoon, after a long drive. It felt long but not that far mileagewise but long because of very strong head winds and a little "Garmin" GPS issue when we got close. The much antisipated ferry ride across the channel was so easy that I wondered why I had been concerned. We got setup and had and early nite. This morning we went up to the REC hall and had a great breakfast and chatted with some of the "locals" as we have started calling the park regulars. We walked around the park and met some more folks and then Linda went for a long walk on the beach and I met John our next door neighbor. He's quite the character and has taken me under his wing to learn the park and introducing me to everyone. as he says he has a little dememtia so may repeat stuff. he doesn't lie. I met the builder of all the steps, fences, stairs etc , he's been coming here for 9 years. I should explain that I feel pretty young around here, as I met "stairbuilder"(I can't remember his name) when he came from next door to see if I had a bandaid as he had just drilled a small hole into his finger and that because he's on Cumidum he bleeds very easy. Well, I got him aided up and then chatted and held things while he finished building steps I had a ton more written and the internet crashed so from now on I'm going to write in windows and then copy and paste into this online contraption. we met lots of folks and are having a blast. your friendly folks from away. Russ and Linder( the Conners will understand)
Russ is a bit frustrated as he had written more and seems to have lost it. We have also met Betsy (John's wife); and our neighbors to the left who have a dog and she loves yellow, and their names are Mary and Larry; and the folks next to them who are from PA, who's names are Mike and Kathy. I am trying to jot their names down so that we can remember them all.
We have been invited to go out with Betsy and John for a pizza buffet on Monday along with any of the neighbors who would like to go. I think we are going to like this place. We really haven't met the folks across the street, but there's always tomorrow
Friday, January 27, 2012
Finally here!!!
We are in Port Aransas. We have been talking about this place for the past year and we finally, finally, travelled across the route 361 ferry, onto Port Aransas, and into the Pioneer Beach Resort this afternoon. We can't believe that we are here. Backed into the spot where we will be spending the next 8 weeks or so, and got the camper ready for time at the beach. It is beautiful. We walked to the beach-490 steps to the beach. 490 steps!!!! There's a boardwalk across the dunes, and then we hit the beach. Our campsite is so close. Can you tell how excited I am! I rolled up my jeans, and went into the water. It is beautiful. So WARM!!! Its warmer than York Beach ever was while we were spending our weeks there for a number of years. I was so happy. Last year when we were 'investigating' Port Aransas, I went into the water and it was cold, but today was beautiful. Tomorrow is breakfast at the club house or rec center or whatever it is called. We are looking forward to meeting our new neighbors. Took a walk around the park, after a walk on the beach, and didn't see any NH plates. Closest I think was Ohio! Oh, and we have the camper door open right now, to feel the breeze from the beach.
We'll send pictures soon. Going to shake the sand our of my toes now. Love Linda
We are in Port Aransas. We have been talking about this place for the past year and we finally, finally, travelled across the route 361 ferry, onto Port Aransas, and into the Pioneer Beach Resort this afternoon. We can't believe that we are here. Backed into the spot where we will be spending the next 8 weeks or so, and got the camper ready for time at the beach. It is beautiful. We walked to the beach-490 steps to the beach. 490 steps!!!! There's a boardwalk across the dunes, and then we hit the beach. Our campsite is so close. Can you tell how excited I am! I rolled up my jeans, and went into the water. It is beautiful. So WARM!!! Its warmer than York Beach ever was while we were spending our weeks there for a number of years. I was so happy. Last year when we were 'investigating' Port Aransas, I went into the water and it was cold, but today was beautiful. Tomorrow is breakfast at the club house or rec center or whatever it is called. We are looking forward to meeting our new neighbors. Took a walk around the park, after a walk on the beach, and didn't see any NH plates. Closest I think was Ohio! Oh, and we have the camper door open right now, to feel the breeze from the beach.
We'll send pictures soon. Going to shake the sand our of my toes now. Love Linda
Thursday, January 26, 2012
I think its Thursday!
Hi, its Linda and it is Thursday as I just asked Russ. Its hard realizing what day of the week it is, even with two calendars in the camper. We are back on the road after four great days with Joey & Brenda P in Mineola. Last night we went into Plano, TX, for an evening of listening to Jolie Halliday. She's a good friend of Joey and Brenda and quite the singer. It was great fun, I'm beginning to appreciate this western music as long as there is no twang! We are all hoping that she makes it big in Nashville!
It was great to be able to spend time with them, but always difficult to leave. But, we know that we will be back this way next year, and we are hoping that Joey & Brenda will be visiting us either this year or in 2013.
Today we are in Bryan, TX, home of Texas A&M. Big campus, and we know as we went to the George H. W. Bush museum and library. It seemed extremely hard to find, but once we found it, it was huge. No viewing of the library as we are not researchers 'writing the history of the future', so we had to settle for just the museum. It was interesting. Lots of things to look at and read, and listen to. I'm glad we stopped. Its interesting to see so much that we can actually remember.
But, we decided that we liked the LBJ ranch last year so much better. Shouldn't compare them as what we saw last year was not a museum, but an actual working ranch. It was a good afternoon.
And tomorrow we get to Port Aransas. It will be nice to get settled into one place for a while. Then we can straighten out our kitchen cabinets. Everything has been getting jostled around while travelling on some of these concrete roads. Russ says its like driving on a washboard, and it certainly is. And we are looking forward to walking on the beach, and riding our bikes-getting out in the sun. I'm not sure if I have told Russ that yet or not. See you in Port Aransas!!
It was great to be able to spend time with them, but always difficult to leave. But, we know that we will be back this way next year, and we are hoping that Joey & Brenda will be visiting us either this year or in 2013.
Today we are in Bryan, TX, home of Texas A&M. Big campus, and we know as we went to the George H. W. Bush museum and library. It seemed extremely hard to find, but once we found it, it was huge. No viewing of the library as we are not researchers 'writing the history of the future', so we had to settle for just the museum. It was interesting. Lots of things to look at and read, and listen to. I'm glad we stopped. Its interesting to see so much that we can actually remember.
But, we decided that we liked the LBJ ranch last year so much better. Shouldn't compare them as what we saw last year was not a museum, but an actual working ranch. It was a good afternoon.
And tomorrow we get to Port Aransas. It will be nice to get settled into one place for a while. Then we can straighten out our kitchen cabinets. Everything has been getting jostled around while travelling on some of these concrete roads. Russ says its like driving on a washboard, and it certainly is. And we are looking forward to walking on the beach, and riding our bikes-getting out in the sun. I'm not sure if I have told Russ that yet or not. See you in Port Aransas!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Jan 24 2012 Miniola,TX
we arrived in Miniola on Sunday and have been visiting our good friends Joey and Brenda Paradis. It is so great to see them again. We stayed up late talking and catching up. Joey and I had a ball looking at classmates pictures on Facebook and triing to figure out who was who. posted a couple of comments and got alot of responces very quickly. They had to work for a few hours yesterday so Linda and I went to Tyler,TX and stopped at a couple of quilt shops, Walmart, and then at a Northern Tool store(lots of neat stuff). We were deciding where we might eat when Brenda called and said we could meet them for supper in a little town on they're way home. We got on the highway and drove about 50 miles and we had a nice dinner. It is so strange for us to drive so far for anything. it was like driving to Boston for us, but for Joey and Brenda it's just a skip down the road. They drive over 80 miles to work(one way). You MUST remember that everything in Texas is HUGE, including the state itself. Linda and Brenda drove one car and Joey and I drove the truck and we all had fun chatting. Today they have a funeral to attend so Linda and I will go touristing in the area. Tomorrow nite we are planning to go to Plano to see their friend , and great singer, perform . Should be a blast. I think we are headed south on Thursday but do hate to leave here. They weather is nice and sun shining so we are happy. Love to all, Russ
we arrived in Miniola on Sunday and have been visiting our good friends Joey and Brenda Paradis. It is so great to see them again. We stayed up late talking and catching up. Joey and I had a ball looking at classmates pictures on Facebook and triing to figure out who was who. posted a couple of comments and got alot of responces very quickly. They had to work for a few hours yesterday so Linda and I went to Tyler,TX and stopped at a couple of quilt shops, Walmart, and then at a Northern Tool store(lots of neat stuff). We were deciding where we might eat when Brenda called and said we could meet them for supper in a little town on they're way home. We got on the highway and drove about 50 miles and we had a nice dinner. It is so strange for us to drive so far for anything. it was like driving to Boston for us, but for Joey and Brenda it's just a skip down the road. They drive over 80 miles to work(one way). You MUST remember that everything in Texas is HUGE, including the state itself. Linda and Brenda drove one car and Joey and I drove the truck and we all had fun chatting. Today they have a funeral to attend so Linda and I will go touristing in the area. Tomorrow nite we are planning to go to Plano to see their friend , and great singer, perform . Should be a blast. I think we are headed south on Thursday but do hate to leave here. They weather is nice and sun shining so we are happy. Love to all, Russ
Saturday, January 21, 2012
jan 21 2012
We left NOLA this morning andtravelled to Marthaville,LA ( just south of Shrevesport). We are about 75 miles out of nola and we both wondered why we left. There was so much more we could have done there. We had met some great folks and were having fun, but we continued on. I MUST tell you all that my butt is sore! let me explain, US 10 and then Rt 49 are they most corupt roads I have seen. As I told linda, the is nothing along 40 other than BUMPS!!!!!!!!!! This so called road in nothing but concrete washboard!!!! We have do some travelling and have seen :nothingness" before but there is really nothing along this route. I am sure the locals would skin me but I have no idea why anyone would live out there unless they want to be alone. Linda will tell you I am exagerating and I might be pushing it a little but not much. We did take a little side trip and went to one of the highest rated Boudin meat shops in the country to get some of this fine saugage. the place was quite small but very busy and hopefully it will cook up to be a tasty meal. We had found this very nice campground online last nite and it is very nice. The lady owner said to pick the spot we wanted, there was abot 50 open sites. The only question is why do they call it "countryside". The is noithiung here BUT county!!!! nothing else, not even a gas station. there is a pile of logs across the road and I have seen abot 4 cars in the last 4 hours. Country is an understatement!!! I hope you all know I am not complaining but trying to be honest and keep you coming back to out blog. Tomorrow we expect to leave here in the morning and get to our friends Joey and Brenda's in a few hours. We are both looking forward to spending some time with them. This will be the second time in 45 years that I have seen Joey P, last year was the first. > J.A we haven't found the sauce yet, but still looking. now I must let my most ardent supporter review this for spelling and gramacital errors. Smiles and Hugs, Russ
I am not correcting his spelling. Its just Russ!
Yes, it was fun in NOLA and I wish we hadn't left. As Russ said we met some great couples, and left our email address on their windshields. We apparently get going in the morning early then them. The are all going to be in Texas and looking for places to visit, and know where we are going, so we are hoping to hook up with them again. I'm sure we will.
Tomorrow into Texas, and eventually to Port Aransas. Hope the weather will be warm.
Talk to you all later-linda
We left NOLA this morning andtravelled to Marthaville,LA ( just south of Shrevesport). We are about 75 miles out of nola and we both wondered why we left. There was so much more we could have done there. We had met some great folks and were having fun, but we continued on. I MUST tell you all that my butt is sore! let me explain, US 10 and then Rt 49 are they most corupt roads I have seen. As I told linda, the is nothing along 40 other than BUMPS!!!!!!!!!! This so called road in nothing but concrete washboard!!!! We have do some travelling and have seen :nothingness" before but there is really nothing along this route. I am sure the locals would skin me but I have no idea why anyone would live out there unless they want to be alone. Linda will tell you I am exagerating and I might be pushing it a little but not much. We did take a little side trip and went to one of the highest rated Boudin meat shops in the country to get some of this fine saugage. the place was quite small but very busy and hopefully it will cook up to be a tasty meal. We had found this very nice campground online last nite and it is very nice. The lady owner said to pick the spot we wanted, there was abot 50 open sites. The only question is why do they call it "countryside". The is noithiung here BUT county!!!! nothing else, not even a gas station. there is a pile of logs across the road and I have seen abot 4 cars in the last 4 hours. Country is an understatement!!! I hope you all know I am not complaining but trying to be honest and keep you coming back to out blog. Tomorrow we expect to leave here in the morning and get to our friends Joey and Brenda's in a few hours. We are both looking forward to spending some time with them. This will be the second time in 45 years that I have seen Joey P, last year was the first. > J.A we haven't found the sauce yet, but still looking. now I must let my most ardent supporter review this for spelling and gramacital errors. Smiles and Hugs, Russ
I am not correcting his spelling. Its just Russ!
Yes, it was fun in NOLA and I wish we hadn't left. As Russ said we met some great couples, and left our email address on their windshields. We apparently get going in the morning early then them. The are all going to be in Texas and looking for places to visit, and know where we are going, so we are hoping to hook up with them again. I'm sure we will.
Tomorrow into Texas, and eventually to Port Aransas. Hope the weather will be warm.
Talk to you all later-linda
Friday, January 20, 2012
Thursday, January 20, 2012
We have just been too busy to post. I thought that Russ had this morning and he thought I had. Just not enough time during the day, so now that we are back to the campground for our last evening here, we can catch up on the past two days. Yesterday we got the laundry done, always a chore when you have to use the machines here at a campground. That done, with a couple of things hanging in the camper, we went on a rum distillery tour, that was just round the corner. How convenient. We were there a little too early for the next tour, but it was suggested that we could go around the corner for bite to eat at Sammy's.
This is a place that appeared on Guy Fieri's Diners, Drive-ins & Dives. Good food. My first cup of what I thought was creole, but may have been gumbo. Sausage, beef, shrimp and rice in a spicy broth. Very good, and just enough in the cup. Russ really went out on a limb and had a Ground Beef Po boy- its just a sub! Had to be a good place to eat as there were several officers from the Sheriff's department!!
Then we went for the tour. Just a small place on a dead end road, next to a concrete plant. Four types of rum from the Old New Orleans rum company. And we had samples of all four. Didn't have to buy any this time though, because they do ship to Maine. We'll order some when we get back as we have a recipe for rum balls made with vanilla wafers which we will just have to try for our Christmas Gathering.
Lunch over, and drinks done, we rested up for an evening in the French Quarter. We really do like the shuttle into town, as we would never have been able to find a parking spot for the truck. We wandered up the streets and down the avenues for a while until we figured out where Pat OBriens was. Jeff, you had 4 Hurricanes!!!!! Well, we ordered one each and they were huge. Thought it was odd that depending on where you were sitting, courtyard, patio, and dining area, beverages were priced different. We have our souvenir Hurricane glass, but I wasn't able to finish mine. Just too much fruit juice, I think. Very touristy very loud, and lots of empty glasses on the tables. It was fun, but I needed a glass of wine and we both needed something to eat. Fortunately the restaurants all seem to have menus outside and we were able to find some beef for Russ. The restaurant had seats on their balcony which was great for people watching. Food was good also. Russ ventured out from his beef and had Jambalaya with chicken and I had Chicken creole. His meal was spicier than mine-very good. He also had another Hurricane which I liked better than he one from Pat O'Briens. Then more wandering and a stop at a bar we had been to the night before for a strawberry daiquiri, and back on the shuttle.
So today being our last full day in New Orleans were went on a tour of a Creole Plantation. The creoles had it right. We went to 'Laura' the name of the plantation. The Creoles have working plantations, made for work, and without the huge ballrooms that the Americans have. (Our's is the garage!) And the color of it was yellow with a red roof. They spent 9 months of the year, from April to December, tending to their sugar cane plantings and then come back into New Orleans for January through March for partying and the Mardi Gras. Sounds like a great way to live! Our tour guide was wonderful and it was a great tour. Another good idea from a neighbor in the park. Now we are sitting here in shorts at the picnic table writing the blog.
Russ & I have decided that New Orleans is a place that should be added to people's bucket list and we are already planning on coming here again. So, if anyone is interested, we may just be back here next year at this time. Anyone interested??????
Headed into Texas tomorrow. Not sure if we will get to the border yet, but we will be closer.
Talk to you soon. Linda
This is a place that appeared on Guy Fieri's Diners, Drive-ins & Dives. Good food. My first cup of what I thought was creole, but may have been gumbo. Sausage, beef, shrimp and rice in a spicy broth. Very good, and just enough in the cup. Russ really went out on a limb and had a Ground Beef Po boy- its just a sub! Had to be a good place to eat as there were several officers from the Sheriff's department!!
Then we went for the tour. Just a small place on a dead end road, next to a concrete plant. Four types of rum from the Old New Orleans rum company. And we had samples of all four. Didn't have to buy any this time though, because they do ship to Maine. We'll order some when we get back as we have a recipe for rum balls made with vanilla wafers which we will just have to try for our Christmas Gathering.
Lunch over, and drinks done, we rested up for an evening in the French Quarter. We really do like the shuttle into town, as we would never have been able to find a parking spot for the truck. We wandered up the streets and down the avenues for a while until we figured out where Pat OBriens was. Jeff, you had 4 Hurricanes!!!!! Well, we ordered one each and they were huge. Thought it was odd that depending on where you were sitting, courtyard, patio, and dining area, beverages were priced different. We have our souvenir Hurricane glass, but I wasn't able to finish mine. Just too much fruit juice, I think. Very touristy very loud, and lots of empty glasses on the tables. It was fun, but I needed a glass of wine and we both needed something to eat. Fortunately the restaurants all seem to have menus outside and we were able to find some beef for Russ. The restaurant had seats on their balcony which was great for people watching. Food was good also. Russ ventured out from his beef and had Jambalaya with chicken and I had Chicken creole. His meal was spicier than mine-very good. He also had another Hurricane which I liked better than he one from Pat O'Briens. Then more wandering and a stop at a bar we had been to the night before for a strawberry daiquiri, and back on the shuttle.
So today being our last full day in New Orleans were went on a tour of a Creole Plantation. The creoles had it right. We went to 'Laura' the name of the plantation. The Creoles have working plantations, made for work, and without the huge ballrooms that the Americans have. (Our's is the garage!) And the color of it was yellow with a red roof. They spent 9 months of the year, from April to December, tending to their sugar cane plantings and then come back into New Orleans for January through March for partying and the Mardi Gras. Sounds like a great way to live! Our tour guide was wonderful and it was a great tour. Another good idea from a neighbor in the park. Now we are sitting here in shorts at the picnic table writing the blog.
Russ & I have decided that New Orleans is a place that should be added to people's bucket list and we are already planning on coming here again. So, if anyone is interested, we may just be back here next year at this time. Anyone interested??????
Headed into Texas tomorrow. Not sure if we will get to the border yet, but we will be closer.
Talk to you soon. Linda
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Great Day in New Orleans
We just came back from downtown New Orleans. I thought that this campground was on the bus line into the city, but instead it has a shuttle. I may have mentioned that before. Anyways, we took the early shuttle into the city (at 10:00) and returned on the last shuttle at 8:00. Went on the Hurricane Katrina/City Tour this morning and the Cocktail Walking tour. Both were great fun. But, while on the shuttle bus into the city, and while waiting for the bus tour this morning, we found ourselves chatting with lots of other people. Of course, 'Where are you from?" is the first question and I have found myself saying we are from Portsmouth. Well one guy was stationed at Pease and another drove through Portsmouth to go Motorcycle week at the Weirs. Another couple were from British Columbia who participating in the conversation. I told the guy who had been stationed at Pease, that he went by my old house when he went out the back gate of Pease!. Then the conversation went to where everyone had been, and have you been to Alaska. Several folks had and one couple had had tour guides from Portsmouth. For anyone who has worked on the Shipyard for a number of years, does the name George Haskell ring a bell? His wife is Cindy Haskell and I remember them from Portsmouth! The world is getting so small! Then the woman from British Columbia told the folks who had been to Alaska that they had all been by her house as she lives at mile marker 50 on the Alaskan Highway-so Russ knew where that was. It was just such fun to all have a connection of sorts.
Back to the tour of the City-it was an extremely interesting tour with a native New Orlean. She had lived through Katrina and was very vocal as to what caused the damage, and we saw alot of it. Also saw alot of the repairs that had been made. She talked non-stop for 2.5 hours and gave 5 hours of information. We even got to walk through one of the cemeteries while on the tour, and had her describe the 're-cycling' process that occurs. I won't go into detail, but it was extremely interesting.
Then we went on the walking cocktail tour. Another good choice. It wasn't exactly what we thought it would be, but so much more. The tour guide was a retired high school English teacher, who actually developed the tour. I think he must have spent alot of time drinking in a bunch of bars after retirment. No problem with that!! Well, we went into four bars while on our walk. Oh, and in NO you can walk on the streets with a drink as long as it is in a 'to go' cup. Each of these bars/restaurants have a history and a special drink so we were able to order them. Fortunately, Russ and I shared. In one of these restaurants, we were able to go into dining rooms which the public are not generally allowed into. Our guide, Joe, has written a book with the history on these sites as well as the 'recipes' for these drinks, so of course we had to buy one. Of course we will be using it once we get home!
So that's it for now, but should anyone want to spent time in New Orleans, let us know. We had a great time, but NO would be a great place to share with friends.
Tomorrow we plan on visiting a rum disillery and a plantation. Friday, I'm not sure what we will do, but I bet we will go back into the city.
Talk to you soon-love-linda
Back to the tour of the City-it was an extremely interesting tour with a native New Orlean. She had lived through Katrina and was very vocal as to what caused the damage, and we saw alot of it. Also saw alot of the repairs that had been made. She talked non-stop for 2.5 hours and gave 5 hours of information. We even got to walk through one of the cemeteries while on the tour, and had her describe the 're-cycling' process that occurs. I won't go into detail, but it was extremely interesting.
Then we went on the walking cocktail tour. Another good choice. It wasn't exactly what we thought it would be, but so much more. The tour guide was a retired high school English teacher, who actually developed the tour. I think he must have spent alot of time drinking in a bunch of bars after retirment. No problem with that!! Well, we went into four bars while on our walk. Oh, and in NO you can walk on the streets with a drink as long as it is in a 'to go' cup. Each of these bars/restaurants have a history and a special drink so we were able to order them. Fortunately, Russ and I shared. In one of these restaurants, we were able to go into dining rooms which the public are not generally allowed into. Our guide, Joe, has written a book with the history on these sites as well as the 'recipes' for these drinks, so of course we had to buy one. Of course we will be using it once we get home!
So that's it for now, but should anyone want to spent time in New Orleans, let us know. We had a great time, but NO would be a great place to share with friends.
Tomorrow we plan on visiting a rum disillery and a plantation. Friday, I'm not sure what we will do, but I bet we will go back into the city.
Talk to you soon-love-linda
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Tuesday 1/17 New Orleans
Hi All,
we drove from Hellena(hell-eee-na) AL to New orleans today. Good trip, not so good fuel, but we made it and have refilled the truck and things are running good. We are right on the tip of lake Pontchartrain in a nice rv park. It's about 5 miles to the French Quarter and we have made reservations to take the shuttle into town at 10am and do two tours. the first being a tour of the city, encluding the cemetarys, the French Quarter, Katrinia destrucction, and more. the second is the original cocktail walking tour that includes a trip though alot to "establishments" and some samplings. We figured that it would be good to get some info about the city before spending time on our own on Thursday and Friday. We went to the parks Pizza bar tonite and met some really nice folks form here and other travellers. It was fun. the weather has been in the 80's today and at 6:30 it's still 70 degrees outside. The Hibiscus right outdide our door has some blossoms on it and looks nice. we are having fun and enjoying each others company. It would be horrible if we didn't get along, that being connected at the hip most of the day. I will try and attach some pictures but please be patient as I haven't done this in a year. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the winter whereever you are. I might not get to the blog tomorrow nite, as it looks like a long day of "RETIREMENT" with all our plans. 10AM to 9PM and alot will be walking. My wonderful co - pilot, navagator, wife and playmate may have more to add, so I'll close my ramblings by saying " TAKE ONE FOR THE GIPPER.
Nothing much to add but we not only have trains in the distance, but are under the flight line for an airport. Don't think its a major airport, but just some flights every now and then. We also have some Mexican/hispanic neighbors across the way, who have just finished dinner and are quiet now. Think we might pick up some spanish. Its great to be able to sit with the door open, and get out the sneaker socks. We are looking forward to the tours tomorrow and being on our on for the next two days. We are catching onto the accents, as well as their catching on to ours (not mine, Russ's). It will be an early night as we have lots to see tomorrow. I just love being able to do all of this with my best buddy and friend-who also happens to be my husband. We are both very fortunate. Love to all-talk to you later.
we drove from Hellena(hell-eee-na) AL to New orleans today. Good trip, not so good fuel, but we made it and have refilled the truck and things are running good. We are right on the tip of lake Pontchartrain in a nice rv park. It's about 5 miles to the French Quarter and we have made reservations to take the shuttle into town at 10am and do two tours. the first being a tour of the city, encluding the cemetarys, the French Quarter, Katrinia destrucction, and more. the second is the original cocktail walking tour that includes a trip though alot to "establishments" and some samplings. We figured that it would be good to get some info about the city before spending time on our own on Thursday and Friday. We went to the parks Pizza bar tonite and met some really nice folks form here and other travellers. It was fun. the weather has been in the 80's today and at 6:30 it's still 70 degrees outside. The Hibiscus right outdide our door has some blossoms on it and looks nice. we are having fun and enjoying each others company. It would be horrible if we didn't get along, that being connected at the hip most of the day. I will try and attach some pictures but please be patient as I haven't done this in a year. Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the winter whereever you are. I might not get to the blog tomorrow nite, as it looks like a long day of "RETIREMENT" with all our plans. 10AM to 9PM and alot will be walking. My wonderful co - pilot, navagator, wife and playmate may have more to add, so I'll close my ramblings by saying " TAKE ONE FOR THE GIPPER.
Nothing much to add but we not only have trains in the distance, but are under the flight line for an airport. Don't think its a major airport, but just some flights every now and then. We also have some Mexican/hispanic neighbors across the way, who have just finished dinner and are quiet now. Think we might pick up some spanish. Its great to be able to sit with the door open, and get out the sneaker socks. We are looking forward to the tours tomorrow and being on our on for the next two days. We are catching onto the accents, as well as their catching on to ours (not mine, Russ's). It will be an early night as we have lots to see tomorrow. I just love being able to do all of this with my best buddy and friend-who also happens to be my husband. We are both very fortunate. Love to all-talk to you later.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Birmingham, AL
Its now Monday, and we are in Birmingham, AL. Traveled here from Sweetwater, TN, with plans to get to the Civil Rights Museum in town on the way down, but Tom Lent texted me and made suggested of where to go. So we stopped at the Barber Motorsports Parkway in Leeds, AL. It was a great suggestion. Really great if you were into motorcycles, but still interesting for us. There's a racetrack there, where I suppose we could have raced a Porsche, but didn't. Just wandered amongst a couple thousand motorcycles, including some from the 1800s. It was a great choice, Tom, thanks.
So we didn't get to the museum yesterday so went today. Another good move. We were there as it first opened. Glad we stopped. Living all of lives in the north, we really didn't see much of the Civil Rights movement, except on television. Just much of it took place during our lives. It was interesting to see the events, the dates, and remembering where we were at that time.
Brian, I have pics of alot of Indian cycles, yours is rare!! I looked for my old 1970 Honda 70 but no luck. It is hard to explain just how much there is to see at Barber, it's a must do for all cycle and race enthusiasts!!
Thought you folks might like to know that i spoke with a few guides at the CR museum and they actually understook Yankee(or Maineze as Linda calls it).
Tomorrow we are headed to New Orleans, or N'orlens, as I think they call it. We are staying on Lake Pontchartrain. We plan on being there for til Saturday, so if anyone has some suggestions of what we need to do or see, let us know. Jeff Allen has already told us that we need to go to Pat O'Briens and have a Hurricane. Sounds like a great plan. We have talked about taking a tour of the city, just to get a lay of the land. We are on the bus route, so that will be helpful.
Weather is getting warmer, I have my sandals on, and it feels good. There's a 16 acre lake here, so we walked around it-not very far, but there's a bunch of Canadian geese there. Not sure if they are headed south or headed north. Its a nice area, just passing through.
Talk to you later-
So we didn't get to the museum yesterday so went today. Another good move. We were there as it first opened. Glad we stopped. Living all of lives in the north, we really didn't see much of the Civil Rights movement, except on television. Just much of it took place during our lives. It was interesting to see the events, the dates, and remembering where we were at that time.
Brian, I have pics of alot of Indian cycles, yours is rare!! I looked for my old 1970 Honda 70 but no luck. It is hard to explain just how much there is to see at Barber, it's a must do for all cycle and race enthusiasts!!
Thought you folks might like to know that i spoke with a few guides at the CR museum and they actually understook Yankee(or Maineze as Linda calls it).
Tomorrow we are headed to New Orleans, or N'orlens, as I think they call it. We are staying on Lake Pontchartrain. We plan on being there for til Saturday, so if anyone has some suggestions of what we need to do or see, let us know. Jeff Allen has already told us that we need to go to Pat O'Briens and have a Hurricane. Sounds like a great plan. We have talked about taking a tour of the city, just to get a lay of the land. We are on the bus route, so that will be helpful.
Weather is getting warmer, I have my sandals on, and it feels good. There's a 16 acre lake here, so we walked around it-not very far, but there's a bunch of Canadian geese there. Not sure if they are headed south or headed north. Its a nice area, just passing through.
Talk to you later-
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Its a beautiful day out here in Sweetwater, TN. We took showers!!! That's a big deal. We stayed Dixie Caverns in Salem, VA, and the showers there left just a little bit to be desired. Here now in Sweetwater at a KOA park, the showers are the 'cat's meow'. Dixie Caverns apparently were discovered in the 1920s and have had tours ongoing since 1923. It appeared to go into a mountain next to the campground, at ground level and then going downward. Well, we've been to Carlsbad Caverns, so I don't need to spend any more time underground. Atleast not yet. It was a quiet evening; had dinner in the camper; watched television; and went to bed early. Got up early enough and hit the road. It was about a 5 hour ride to Sweetwater, so we've been here for most of the afternoon. Nothing exciting, except that it is getting warmer, we have seen just a dusting of snow here and there, lots of cows and horses on the hills along Route 81; breakfast at Denny's and that's about it. Oh yes, and the showers!
Right now Russ is checking the AAA books to figure out which way we are going tomorrow. We are not far from either Georgia or Alabama so its up in the air. He's thinking now that its Alabama. We'll let you know tomorrow night.
Have a great Saturday night. Linda
Right now Russ is checking the AAA books to figure out which way we are going tomorrow. We are not far from either Georgia or Alabama so its up in the air. He's thinking now that its Alabama. We'll let you know tomorrow night.
Have a great Saturday night. Linda
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Thursday 1/12/2012
I FOUND IT!!!! I found my address book that is. It was between the mattress and the mattress pad. I just knew that it was here some place. Funny that I never felt it under me during the nite. Quite a relief now it's over.
Met with our friends Bart and Kelly Conner tonite for a great visit , dinner, and a stop for ice cream before saying good bye. Thanks for a wonder visit!! filled up the truck for at least the 5th time and at $3,99 a gallon, it looks like a expensive trip to TX. Hope it's sunny and warm when we get there.
found out that we won't be able to connect with our friend Ron and Rosy tomorrow, as Ron is a taxidermist and has someone coming in from who know where to pick up the bear he just "stuffed". maybe we will see them on our way home.
Looks like we are headed to Salem, VA on Friday, as long as the predicted snow for this area, stays away until we get further south. raining and about 46 right now, 9pm.
Thanks to Jeff for snowblowing at home today and Brian for the hunting trip to the house looking for my book.
Just so you will know, we went to Hersey chocolete world today. Yes, of course I bought some candy for us while we were there. Linda wasn't happy when I picked up a assortment bag and convinced me I really didn't need a 10 lb bag, so I just got a few smaller samples. YES!!! We have already stopped at 3 quilt shops so my wonderful navagator is smiling.
Hope you are all well and having as much fun as we are.
Mom, I WILL call! Just busy enjoying retirement. Smiles and Hugs, Russ, PA, Grampa Russ or anything else you all call me. Kathy/Steve, you can't call me that online. HaHa
Met with our friends Bart and Kelly Conner tonite for a great visit , dinner, and a stop for ice cream before saying good bye. Thanks for a wonder visit!! filled up the truck for at least the 5th time and at $3,99 a gallon, it looks like a expensive trip to TX. Hope it's sunny and warm when we get there.
found out that we won't be able to connect with our friend Ron and Rosy tomorrow, as Ron is a taxidermist and has someone coming in from who know where to pick up the bear he just "stuffed". maybe we will see them on our way home.
Looks like we are headed to Salem, VA on Friday, as long as the predicted snow for this area, stays away until we get further south. raining and about 46 right now, 9pm.
Thanks to Jeff for snowblowing at home today and Brian for the hunting trip to the house looking for my book.
Just so you will know, we went to Hersey chocolete world today. Yes, of course I bought some candy for us while we were there. Linda wasn't happy when I picked up a assortment bag and convinced me I really didn't need a 10 lb bag, so I just got a few smaller samples. YES!!! We have already stopped at 3 quilt shops so my wonderful navagator is smiling.
Hope you are all well and having as much fun as we are.
Mom, I WILL call! Just busy enjoying retirement. Smiles and Hugs, Russ, PA, Grampa Russ or anything else you all call me. Kathy/Steve, you can't call me that online. HaHa
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Jan 11,2012
Hi All,
We had a good trip from home to Hersey, Pa. Got to see the grandkids and family last nite and expect to have Peyton and Gavin this afternoon and spend "Christmas" with them this evening. Thursday nite we hope to connect with of friends Bart and Kelly for dinner.
I'm floundering around, as I can't find my address book and have been looking up numbers and such for folks we want to connect with. It must be in this tin box someplace, but no luck in finding it yet. There are lots of little holes to put stuff and we hope it shows up soon.
Not much to say yet, we will try and get more FUN stuff to share soon.
We had a good trip from home to Hersey, Pa. Got to see the grandkids and family last nite and expect to have Peyton and Gavin this afternoon and spend "Christmas" with them this evening. Thursday nite we hope to connect with of friends Bart and Kelly for dinner.
I'm floundering around, as I can't find my address book and have been looking up numbers and such for folks we want to connect with. It must be in this tin box someplace, but no luck in finding it yet. There are lots of little holes to put stuff and we hope it shows up soon.
Not much to say yet, we will try and get more FUN stuff to share soon.
Thursday, January 5, 2012
2012 preperations
Hi everyone,
This is the first post of our 2012 winter travels. I am trying to check out how the blog will show different from last years. Busy getting piles of stuff ready to load into the rv and make sure we take everything we own. haha Linda thinks we should make a list so we don't flounder around each time we start to get ready. I will let folks know by email when this blog is really started and we have news to share. Russ 1/5/12
This is the first post of our 2012 winter travels. I am trying to check out how the blog will show different from last years. Busy getting piles of stuff ready to load into the rv and make sure we take everything we own. haha Linda thinks we should make a list so we don't flounder around each time we start to get ready. I will let folks know by email when this blog is really started and we have news to share. Russ 1/5/12
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