Wednesday, November 29, 2017

nov 29 2017 Las Cruces

we hello my family and friends. we drove a long day today. from Big Spring TX to Las Cruces, NM. left at 8am and got here about 4pm and we had to turn the clocks back due to crossing the time zone around ElPaso. we are in Hacienda RV and Rally Resort, just down the road from the place we have stayed many times. This place is NICE!!! hand groomed sites, level, clean and very spacious. would highly recommend it. . we expect to have about a 5 hour drive tomorrow to get to our winter home in Picacho peak RV Resort. the road is fun but Texas is a long state with not much to see at this time of year. it is on the cooler side of 70, overcast but so much better than real cold and wet crap. we have debated rather to unhook the camper and drive into Messia , old Las Cruces, and eat at the place we always do, but I think we will just stay here and have something frozen we brought from home. Easier and it needs to be eaten. enjoy your evening and to our family in PPRV, we'll see you tomorrow
 Joey Paradis, Brenda P and Linda outside a great restaurant in Linsdale, TX 
 our site here in LasCruces tonite

 the back of the office

 looking down the strreet in the park

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

nov 28th 2017

hello world, i haven't posted in a few days so here's the update. we made it to Joey Paradis's and had a great time with joey and brenda. they treat us like royalty, home cooking that is wonderful and then the next nite take us to a wonderful restaurant and pick up the tab. we got to see their son and his fiance again. great family. today we left joe's and had a long drive across Texas to Big Spring. between Abilene and ElPaso. got into the rv park before the big winds started but they are here now. not going to blow us away but may rock us to sleep if they continue. we are getting anxious to get to PPRV and hope to get there by Thursday afternoon.

Mom and Dad  we are fine and even still like each other. the time at the stops makes it relaxing.  haha

Jeff S. the "Temp Stick " is great and lots of fun watching.

Julie M.  thanks for the update that our local PD is watching the house.

everyone else can be envious or just come out for a vvisit once we get there.  Smiles and Hugs the driver

Sunday, November 26, 2017

not sure what day but it's a nice one

we stopped in North Little Rock, Arkansas at a city owned park right on the river. we have stayed here before and it's quite nice. walked across the bridge and toured the Clinton Library and the waled to the River Market place and looked around. had some great BBQ there and walked back across another pedestrian bridge. leaving this morning for Paradis campground in Mineola, TX. talked to our camp host Joey Paradis and they have a spot for us. life on the road is good.

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

2017/18 day 3

we started out this morning from Max Meadows, VA planning on staying about 360 miles away in TN but ended up driving thru to Swan Creek RV park in Tanner, AL. about 650 miles from where we started. Our good friends Johnnie and Donna Donna Vetter Heintzman live here so we figured to power thru and get here and spend a few days. we all went out for dinner to Ruby Tuesday. now in for the nite. finially hooked up water and got everything working fine. the weather is expected to be below freezing so I guess I will unhook water and shut of H2o heater for the nite. it's down to 39 and it's just 8pm.
ps now I know why your not supposed to travel on the day before Thanksgiving.  tons of traffic and lots of long slow areas but no close calls or problems.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

2017/18 day 2

made it safely to Max Meadows , VA Ft Chiswell RV park where we have stayed many times. started this morning at 29 degrees and here it's 64 at 3pm. nice ride today, seemed like lots of traffic but a good road so not bad travelling.

Monday, November 20, 2017

2017/18 day 1

Well, we got to Pine Grove , PA. major hold ups on RT 84 in CT. stop and goes for miles. nice RV campground, would be really nice in the summer. sun is out but cooling off. freeze tonite but tomorrow is expected to be good. heading for Max Meadows, VA ( south of Roanoke) tomorrow. smiles and hugs