Monday, February 23, 2015

Sunday, February 22

Happy Sunday....
Its a windy, sunny Sunday, the day after the park's Mardi Gras Festivities, and its Linda writing.  Russ will have to download the pictures that have been taken in the last few days, or the FryDay on Thursday and the Mardi Gras festivities last night.  I think that the last time Russ wrote it was about his experiences with the hot air balloon.  None of that going on today as it is rather windy today.  We had to bring our awning in last night and I was planning on writing this while sitting in the sun, but decided it would be easier sitting inside with the door open.  Another sunny day, just windy.
Russ is off running into Casa Grande, and continuing the building of Steve's shed.  Think they are down to the last of the shelving.  I'm sure Russ will find another project.
Well, Thursday, we had our Fryday.  It was just a bit confusing for some, but went off extremely well.  The RV site that we are in just happens to have a 'back yard'.  Just about twenty feet in back of the 'rig' which was plenty of room for tables, chairs, the fryer and the 45 people who were here.  I'm so glad that I thought to bring out my 'travelling' book where I keep track of gasoline and campground expenditures and such.  We had everyone here sign their names and where they are from.  For our Christmas parties I go around and write everyone's names in a book at home.  Here I couldn't do it.  Knew everyone's first names, but not last and definitely not where they were from.
Anyway, as I said, there were 45 people here.  Russ fried a 15 pound turkey to begin with and that was done about the time most people started to arrive.  Fifteen pound turkey does not go far with that many people.  The he was on to home made tortellinis; red and green battered peppers; chicken tenders; zuchinni 'spaghetti' for lack of a better word to call it; sweet potatoes, bratwurst (jalapeno filled, which were great); potato chips; fried pickles of different kinds (they were goood); Twinkies; and Rice Krispy treats.  Oh, and there were donut holes and fried dough.  I'm sure I am forgetting a number of things, as I was trying to batter whatever with tempura or dry batter and get them to Russ while running back and forth into the rv for one thing or another.  Door was open all the time, so the fly swatter was used alot that evening.  In fact,at one point, when I came in and opened the fridge, a fly flew out.  After several hours of frying so many different things, the fish and shrimp could be fried.  Can't have a twinkie taste like shrimp or fish.  
Another experience for Russ on Thursday was a tour of the Aquaduct system, but he will have to elaborate on that.  Since our friends from BC, Yvonne and Steve were here, Steve went on the tour, and I was able to get last minutes things done for the Fry.
That was Thursday.
Saturday, was Mardi Gras and Russ was the Sheriff!  What a great sheriff he was.  Everyone purchased tickets to play the games.  This reminded me of the Lawn Fetes that we had at Sherburne School, in Portsmouth, so very many years ago.  Well for games there 'corn hole(bean bag toss)'; and a fish tank; and a shell game; and musical chairs without the music and no chairs moving so people wouldn't be falling on the floor; and horse racing which was a big hit; and darts, and I think that was it.  Winners recieved beads and there were door prizes.  Russ was arresting people and throwing them into jail.  He is going to have to elaborate on why they were arrested, but a retired judge is lives here in the park and he presided over court, putting his robe on each time over his shorts and sandals.  Russ arrested one individual just because he didn't 'like his face'.
This week Gregg & Sue are coming out to spend some time with us.  They are also planning to go up to the Grand Canyon, thru Sedona and also a night in Cottonwood.  I think they will enjoy area, being able to do some walking/hiking and just being warm!  I know that we do.
Russ keeps saying we are on 'vacation'.  We aren't on vacation-this is our way of life during the winter.  Vacation is what we do during the summer!!
Glad we have the opportunity to spend time here.  Thanks to those who are keeping watch over our home.  Stay safe all and hope the snow stops at some point!
 hi peeps,
 I always wanted to say that.  doesn't sound so cool as when the tv people do.  well it has been busy as ever.  the FRYday was a huge hit. Linda worked her tail off and I just fryed whatever came before me. hotdogs, mini hamburgs, corndogs, mashed potato balls,  I didn't even know what some of the stuff was, but it got cooked.

frying  while wearing full length pants is a must, but with the daytime temps about 83 degrees, it was hot!!

 the Mardi Gras was a blast. I was sheriff

I got to arrest people for any reason. I also took bribes to put some in jail.  I got one for being a lady of the evening, one for trying to pick her up, one for illegal gambling(had to wait for the horse race to finish before jail time so we didn't cut into the profits), one for calling the sheriff crazy and as linda said one just because I didn't like his look.   lots of fun!!!

  this is getting long so I will do another post about the aquaduct tour at a later time

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Feb 15,2015

Hello again from the lost world of retirement.  we have been busy being retired and having fun.  Our friends Steve and Yvonne got here Wednesday afternoon just in time for our potluck dinner.  I had made a calzone type recipe that Yvonne had given me, but it all went before we got to try it. we did have lots of good eats and a fun time there.  Steve had to fly home for a few days so Linda and Yvonne have been playing. Yesterday Dave and Virl took us to breakfast in Coolidge, about 15 miles for here to a great restaurant. I had chorizo and eggs ( a Mexican scrambled sausage and eggs) that was very good. they have there own homemede hot sauce and when Dave went to shake it up the cover wasn't on tight and it went all over the place. kind of funny in a way. I was sitting across form him and never said a word when I saw it on the ballcap that the guy behind him was wearing. when we got to the car, I told dave, Virl and Linda and we all had a great laugh. When he finly sees it I am sure he will wonder what kind of bird flew over. Last night there was a Valentines dance here in the park. A great time, lots of dancing, and fun.  I was still upset that the flowers I had ordered for Linda never showed up, but I got her a rose at the dance, and she understands that I tried.  Last nite evening I was asked by some park friends if i wanted to help "crew" for a hot air balloon in the morning and of course I said yes. I got up at 5am and met then by the clubhouse and we drove about 30 minutes to Maranna and met the owner , his wife and his regular crew chief. there at Dennys he let a regular balloon go to check the winds and decide where he wanted to launch from. we drove into the area and setup to go. I just held this and did that as I was told. they unload the basket, balloon, fan and heater and set it all up. they unroll the fabric and then blow air into it as crew hold it open and onto it. then when it gets really blown up I had to shut of the fan and roll it out of the way. then the pilot lights off the 15 million BTU heater and heats the air inside. they load all the occupents into the basket whele we hold it to the ground. when the pilot says go , he cranks the burner way up and away they go and it happens very fast..when the paying customers and pilot were in they decided that Doug( a friend from the park who has helped them alot) could go too. I should have handed him my camera but was so busy paying attention to what was going on, I didn't even think about it. after they were airbourne we loaded up the truck and drove to an area that the balloon would go by. we sat in a parking lot for a little while, just watching and listening as the pilot and crew chief checked the wind and weather by cell phone to the local airport, and by radio to each other. then we took off to the approximate landing area. when we go close the pilot kept telling us kind of where to go. they finly decided where he hoped to land and we drove down a close street thru and unfinished development and to a flat claer place in the desert.  the winds were very light and as the b alloon started down the winds really picked up. when he was a few feet from the ground, it was appearent that he was going quite fast so we all satrted running across the desert to try and catch them. it didn't work so he hit the heater and took off again. we got back into the truck and drove down doads, into farmers lanes and found we couldn't get there from there so back and around a few more road , until the pilot told us where to turn. he had found and un planted field that was pretty flat, and close to a road.  we got there and jumped out and ran to where it looked like he would land, he came right to us and when the basket settled to the ground, the thre of us ground crew grabbed hold and used our weight to hold them down.  They did appreciate my girth at that point.  they have a huge flap in the very top that the pull a rope and let the hot air out. when they know that it won't move far, most of the passengers get out. the pilot and one willing guest lean on one side of the basket and when the air is released and the "envelope" starts to drop the basket tips on it's side when them laying in the bottom(I think it's for picture taking more than necessity, but it's cool.  I got to hold the rings ,cables, and ties at the top of the airbag as it deflated. it's alot of very hot air coming out the vent, but it was fun.  then we rooled up the chute, carried the basket and stuff to the truck and loaded up.  they took us all back to a local park and presented the paying guests with champane, fruit, and a very nice breakfast. (we got the leftovers that were wonderful. We had to sign the certificates that were presented to the guests. I know know that I will be framed and hanging on someones wall.   all in all it was a great experance and they asked for my number so they can call me if the need help again. the regular crew get a small payment, and he said that next time i might get something or forgo and after 10 times helping I can get a free flight(as space permits.)   i think a 1-11/2 hour flight costs around $225.   i LOVED IT.

I have been helping a park friend add onto his shed, and have hauled materials, framed, roofed and sided it. he isn't in the greatest of health so I have jumped right in as always and had a ball doing it. Now I feel guilty as the gave me a gift card for helping. I do it for fun and told them so. well, I guess I need to really step up and do more of the finish work the remains.
 Well, I have ranted on to long, but wanted to share with you what was up with me.  Linda is at the pool.  she is loving it here as well.   Smiles and Hugs,  the hot air man

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Feb 1 2015

We have been away from home for a month and are busy having fun.  The weather has not been very good for the past two days but we were able to hike the Peak on Thursday.  It was a wonderful day which fortunately is over!!!  It wasn't so wonderful at different times of the day.  There were six of us who started out and six of us who finished.  To say the least, it was much more difficult than I ever thought it was going to be.  Two of the guys had been up before, a number of times, and they were so helpful, guiding both of us females.  Joe kept telling me to 'look to the left, Linda' or 'look to the right, Linda' as he knew I am not comfortable with heights.  We were hiking up billy goat paths along the side of the mountain, but after two miles up and then two miles down, we made it and have checked that off from our bucket list.   First we had to put it on the bucket list!!!  So, that was on Thursday, and it started to rain lightly on the way down, but has poured for both Friday and Saturday.  Today looks a little better, so I can atleast get some walking in.  Oh yes,  the thigh muscles for both Russ and I are pretty sore, plus Russ is dealing with a sore knee, so we have been recuperating for the past two days.  Today we can move, sort of.
We did have a fun evening last night.  The park had an Elvis impersonator.  We decided to go, cause if no one shows up, then we won't have other entertainment!  And for $5.00, why not.  It was FUN!!!  Not that he sounded much like Elvis, but he sang the songs, and had a decent costume, and was very entertaining.  We are having so much fun, meeting new people, and continuing with our friendships from folks we met last year, that we will stay another month.....atleast.  Hoping for warmer weather, but there's no snow and the winter clothes have been put away.  Super Bowl party at the clubhouse, which we may or may not attend.  I know that we are the only New Englanders here.  Oh, yesterday, I was taught a new card game.  Its called Hand and Foot which I want to call Foot and Mouth.  Too many rules, and all cards have a different count value.  It might be easier for me to just play darts!  We'll see what happens.
Hope all is well with everyone, inspite of the weather.
love-linda & russ