we left Port A as expected on monday morning and drove north along the coast . Made it thru Houston without issue. A real feat if you ask most seasoned travellers. Midday worked for us. Linda with GPS and maps in hand were all I needed, I didn't even have to sqwark at all. We ended up stopping at a nice rv park just outside Beaumont, TX. We could have gone further but didn't know where we wanted to go. we got setup about 2pm and spent the rest of the day and evening deciding what we wanted to see and do. At first it was BatonRouge, then it was Houma(down on the coast below NOLA) and then it was Nashville. Not alot open at this time of year at any of the places. I guess if we liked to gamble we could stay occupied, but it isn't for us. Today we travelled into the HOTSPOT of Beaumont to find some Cajun food and maybe find a place that would have music tonite. Most of the places are only open on Friday and Saturday nites. we did have a lunch at a Cajun place, it was good, but not jumpin like I had hoped for. We walked thru the Beaumont Firemen Museum and took a picture of me acting like a dog on the country's largest fire hydrant out in front of the place. No one was around there either. We went and saw the little staged village of Spindletop, just a few old shacks to show folks how the first oil rigs were set up. Spindletop was the name of the area where oil was first really drilled and produced in the nation. Note- Pennsylvania was actually the first, but not a BOOM town) . we looked around for other places to see and I had actually asked a number of folks on the street, in the restaurant, and museum but noone had any suggestions. Think of this in your hometown. What would you suggest to an outsider who had time to kill. I know what mine would be and we did that here, we went to Walmart and walked around. bought a couple of things we needed and a couple of things for something to carry. 1800 miles from home and we go to Walmart! well it works well as it is an easy place to get cash. No! Charlie, Steve, Glenn and all you other "friends" we have to pay for it with a credit card. I know how you all think. Came back to the park and I sat outside and chatted with a guy from So Dakota for a while and then FaceBooked, checked mail and now I'm keeping myself occupied telling you all this. We have decided to head towards Nashville for our Grand Olde Opry night on Saturday. It is being held this time in the old Ryman auditoruim, where as last year it was in the new opryland. Mel Tillis is one of the performers. We had tried to get tickets for when Charlie Daniels would be there but it was sold out. We are taking a kind of roundabout path to get there but want to see a different route. Not much else to tell Y'all but Texas has been fun and now we will see about Louisiana for a day or so. Keep breathing hard so all the snow will melt before we get home. You snowbirds in Fl, send some heat and sun to the north to keep it clear sailing along our way towards NH. if anyone has suggestions for us to see or do along the way please let us know. Russ
Hi y'all. Its Linda. Just wanted to add something. If you remember last year's blog, we spoke alot about the trains and all the campgrounds we stayed at seemed to be bordered by train tracks. Well, just now, we had heard a train, and it passed just on the other side of the park fence. Did some tooting along the way. Made us feel at home.
See you all soon.......linda
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Sunday Feb 26,2012
It is with sad feelings I write my last post from Port Aransas, TX and the Pioneer Beach Resort. We have notified the post office to the return change of address and all that stuff. They make it pretty easy but timing is everything.
I have heartfelt feelings about leaving here. It is sort of like leaving a good friend behind. We have made some good friends, enjoyed the activities and seen quite a few attractions in this area, and when it comes down to it, there is lots more to see. I can say this because when I got up this morning the sun was coming up and the way the rays were coming above the horizon it looked like a star. if it had been this way more often we might even be staying longer. Our neighbors are a great group of folks from around the country and have accepted us into their family of multiple year returnees. I still have some times that I feel like a real newbie, and they are just dealing with us. sort of like a little sibling feeling. I had really hoped that we could pull off a "happy hour" and treat these folks to some camp koolaid, and other northern specialitys, but weather has not ben condusive to sitting outside in the evenings. of course it will be great today and make it even harder to leave, but we have made our decision and will leave tomorrow. we have really no idea where we are going first, except it will be north of Houston. The weather will be our controling factor, along with any places that we find to be worth checking out. For those unfortunate friends that have not experanced the "wandering life" of travelling throughout the great USA, you can't amaging just how much there is to see. Travelling down the road, at every exit,crossroad,side street,and intersection, we wonder just what might be down that way that would be wonderful to see and visit. There is really no way to know unless some one has told you about a specific place or thing to see. We don't plan our travels to any certian route as we want that free feeling, but unless you plan specificly to see noted attractions and follow from one to another you may miss some things but as it works for us you get to see many unexpected wonders. I am rambleing but want those(Allane,Steve,Charlie,Mary plus others) that may be comtemplating roaming around the country to understand that it is HUGE and there is no one place to find everything to see written down. Start looking for things you might like to see or do and then let the road take you to them by a round about way. (note-travelling around bad weather can increase your planned milage) Well, I hope you can understand my frame of mind and you all know me well enough to understand that my family and friends are everything to me and leaving them is very difficult to do. so I say this with a quiver in my voice "goodbye Port Aransas, hope to see you again very soon. your freind, Russ
I have heartfelt feelings about leaving here. It is sort of like leaving a good friend behind. We have made some good friends, enjoyed the activities and seen quite a few attractions in this area, and when it comes down to it, there is lots more to see. I can say this because when I got up this morning the sun was coming up and the way the rays were coming above the horizon it looked like a star. if it had been this way more often we might even be staying longer. Our neighbors are a great group of folks from around the country and have accepted us into their family of multiple year returnees. I still have some times that I feel like a real newbie, and they are just dealing with us. sort of like a little sibling feeling. I had really hoped that we could pull off a "happy hour" and treat these folks to some camp koolaid, and other northern specialitys, but weather has not ben condusive to sitting outside in the evenings. of course it will be great today and make it even harder to leave, but we have made our decision and will leave tomorrow. we have really no idea where we are going first, except it will be north of Houston. The weather will be our controling factor, along with any places that we find to be worth checking out. For those unfortunate friends that have not experanced the "wandering life" of travelling throughout the great USA, you can't amaging just how much there is to see. Travelling down the road, at every exit,crossroad,side street,and intersection, we wonder just what might be down that way that would be wonderful to see and visit. There is really no way to know unless some one has told you about a specific place or thing to see. We don't plan our travels to any certian route as we want that free feeling, but unless you plan specificly to see noted attractions and follow from one to another you may miss some things but as it works for us you get to see many unexpected wonders. I am rambleing but want those(Allane,Steve,Charlie,Mary plus others) that may be comtemplating roaming around the country to understand that it is HUGE and there is no one place to find everything to see written down. Start looking for things you might like to see or do and then let the road take you to them by a round about way. (note-travelling around bad weather can increase your planned milage) Well, I hope you can understand my frame of mind and you all know me well enough to understand that my family and friends are everything to me and leaving them is very difficult to do. so I say this with a quiver in my voice "goodbye Port Aransas, hope to see you again very soon. your freind, Russ
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Saturday in Port Aransas
We again woke up to rain on our tin roof. That was a bit discouraging since it is our last Saturday here on the island. But, we were doing laundry this morning, and no one else was in the laundry room. Nice surprise. Got all our laundry done, while having breakfast in the Rec Center with folks we have met from Nebraska, Dennis & Diane. They are also leaving on Monday, so we exchanged important info such as last names, email addresses, mailing addresses and phone numbers. This year is also their first year at Pioneer, and they are not planning on coming back here next either, so there's always a possibility that we will be travelling in the same are next year, or the year after, or at sometime. It will be nice to keep in touch with people we have a possibility of meeting again.
The rain stopped, so I went for a bike ride in the park and then a walk on the beach. Not many people on the beach today, as the rain stopped but the temp hasn't gotten much warmer. I have loved my walks on the beach-just wish now that I had walked more often. Later this afternoon, Russ and I hit a few of the tourist stores, watched the boats coming up the river, watched some locals fish, and then went for dinner at Virginia's. Its one of the many restaurants on the island that we haven't been to before. Its on the water, amongst the many huge private boats here, and we got to see the sunset. It was pretty.
The weather has not been as great as we would have liked, but I am sad that we are leaving. The park is lovely, lots of activities, and right on the beach. Had the weather been bright and sunny, it would have been ideal. Right now we feel that we are not quite ready to settle into one place for the winter, but need to do more exploring. There's still so much to see, and we will continue to see more as we make our way homeward. We are hoping to stop by Nashville and get to the Grand Ole Opry again. We'll see which way the wind blows on our way home.
See you all soon-love-linda
We again woke up to rain on our tin roof. That was a bit discouraging since it is our last Saturday here on the island. But, we were doing laundry this morning, and no one else was in the laundry room. Nice surprise. Got all our laundry done, while having breakfast in the Rec Center with folks we have met from Nebraska, Dennis & Diane. They are also leaving on Monday, so we exchanged important info such as last names, email addresses, mailing addresses and phone numbers. This year is also their first year at Pioneer, and they are not planning on coming back here next either, so there's always a possibility that we will be travelling in the same are next year, or the year after, or at sometime. It will be nice to keep in touch with people we have a possibility of meeting again.
The rain stopped, so I went for a bike ride in the park and then a walk on the beach. Not many people on the beach today, as the rain stopped but the temp hasn't gotten much warmer. I have loved my walks on the beach-just wish now that I had walked more often. Later this afternoon, Russ and I hit a few of the tourist stores, watched the boats coming up the river, watched some locals fish, and then went for dinner at Virginia's. Its one of the many restaurants on the island that we haven't been to before. Its on the water, amongst the many huge private boats here, and we got to see the sunset. It was pretty.
The weather has not been as great as we would have liked, but I am sad that we are leaving. The park is lovely, lots of activities, and right on the beach. Had the weather been bright and sunny, it would have been ideal. Right now we feel that we are not quite ready to settle into one place for the winter, but need to do more exploring. There's still so much to see, and we will continue to see more as we make our way homeward. We are hoping to stop by Nashville and get to the Grand Ole Opry again. We'll see which way the wind blows on our way home.
See you all soon-love-linda
Thursday, February 23, 2012
mexico/ so pardre Island 2012
dance hall with Tom and Aggie live band, DJ, live calf roping, Texas Buffett , heating system made out of 55 gal drums welded together.
yesterday we came south to Indian Lake, near South Padre Island, TX to visit with our friends Tom and Aggie. We decided that we should go to Mexico and knowing that T and A had been there and felt safe to go again. we parked on the US side and walked across the bridge into Progresso, Mexico. The Mexicans don't even ask questions upon entering, I guess they like our $'s to much to bother. We walked the streets that are full of street vendors, shops of all kinds of everything. lots of pharmacys and dentists, and everything is very inexpensive. We ate great food at a place called the Arizona, and the Marguretias were excellent too. I think I need to go back there with a tractor trailor and load up with all the neat stuff.
today we did some shopping in S.P I. area and then went to a great resturaunt saloon, bar, dance hall. it is huge with all kind of neat stuff. lots of music, food, dancing calf roping, and intertainment, along with very tasty $2 Magrueritas. We are sorry to have to leave here in the AM, but need to get back to our RV and do our last Mustang Island/ Port Aransas touring before we head in a slow treck homeward.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Pioneer park/Port A Mardi Gras 2012
Wow!!! today was the best day we have had. The sun was out bright all day, just a slight breeze, and warm!!! We went uptown so Linda could have her nails done, and I found a place to get my hair cut. I also go a new electrical outlet for the RV. It was luch time so we went to Cancun mexican restaurant. good food and hot salsa. came back home and Linda went right to the beach while I changed the outlet. I went down and sat with her for a couple of hours. We both now have some color. I actually walked into the water up to my knees and it wasn't bad, not hot remind you but warmer that York Beach at home ever has gotten. last nite there was a Mardi Gras parade here in the park and today there was the Port Aransas parade. Both were a blast!! lots of golf carts all decked out and folks dressed up. all the no partisipants in the park just sit out by our park roads and they drive by and throw beads and candy. You should see some of the outfits. this afternoon we drove into town and parked and set up our chairs along the parade route. I'm glad we went early as it soon got really crouded and busy. We had a great spot as it was near the bigining of the route so we got lots of beads. I did have to show some leg to get a couple of the ladys to give me beads.
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Sunday feb 19,2012
Just to keep everyone up to date, we wanted to let you know that we are moving. This week we are taking the truck and going down to see Tom and Aggie for a couple of days, then come back here for a few days and then heading north. Not in any rush but due to the difficult weather we have deturmined that we are not getting enough sun time. As I sit out at the picnic table and write this, it is a beautiful day. The sun is out and the wind is only blowing 5-10 MPH. the extended forcast here isn't very good so reluctantly we will move on. We have met some wonderful folks and we hate to leave them, but our sanity will be in question if we have to stay cooped up any longer. I don't feel so bad as another couple that we have spent time with are moving along for the same reason. I guess I will be sorry not to see "spring break" with all the foolishness that goes with it, but I am sure our friends at home will assist in our own spring break when it hits new england. I am going to try and attach some pictures of some of the things in the area. If this internet stays up long enough to finish it. I do hope like I am not whining to much as i know it's warmer here than in Barrington. we will keep you posted as to our travels and where we are headed next. your friendly folks from "on the road"
Just to keep everyone up to date, we wanted to let you know that we are moving. This week we are taking the truck and going down to see Tom and Aggie for a couple of days, then come back here for a few days and then heading north. Not in any rush but due to the difficult weather we have deturmined that we are not getting enough sun time. As I sit out at the picnic table and write this, it is a beautiful day. The sun is out and the wind is only blowing 5-10 MPH. the extended forcast here isn't very good so reluctantly we will move on. We have met some wonderful folks and we hate to leave them, but our sanity will be in question if we have to stay cooped up any longer. I don't feel so bad as another couple that we have spent time with are moving along for the same reason. I guess I will be sorry not to see "spring break" with all the foolishness that goes with it, but I am sure our friends at home will assist in our own spring break when it hits new england. I am going to try and attach some pictures of some of the things in the area. If this internet stays up long enough to finish it. I do hope like I am not whining to much as i know it's warmer here than in Barrington. we will keep you posted as to our travels and where we are headed next. your friendly folks from "on the road"
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Thursday feb 16, 2012
good Morning,
Life here in Texas continues, we have been hanging around the Rv staying out of the wind and rain. I 'm joking, yesterday our friends , Tom and Aggie King. from PA that are also "winter Texans" came north from South Padre Island area for a visit. they called and said they were close but their GPS couldn't find our address and they were close but wanted to know if they should go on the ferry. I was sure that the GPS would have brought them north on RT 361 that I said not to take the ferrry ride and that they must have gone right by us and to turn around and head the other way about 3 miles. They started calling out roadside places so I could explain where to go but none of them sounded familiar, not that I know hardly any places that well yet. As they went a little further I did realize they were going away from us and we finely figured that they had come the shoreside route around Corpus Christi vice the island side. well they got turned around and returned and took the ferry and got here shortly after that. we had chatted at the rv and then went up town , found them a hotel just up the street from us and then drove around seeing the few sites in our area. we stopped a "Fins" a local resturant that Linda had been wanting to try and as it was nice and warm we sat out on the deck overlooking the marina. we wre all surprized when Linda had a hamburger and even more astounded when I had chicken. I always have beef, but they advertized that they used the same type batter on the chicken as they use on their well loved fish, so I wanted to try it. I would never order fish and figured it was a good chance to check it out. It was good, but who ever heard of using a cornflake type batter on fish. The burgers were huge! after eating and chatting we started out for more island viewing and decided to take the ferry ride , it is a blast and only takes about 5 minutes to get across. once across and into Aransas Pass, we stopped at the "big" grocery store H.E.B. (they have clean restrooms). killing two birds at once we picked up some supplys and headed home. we came back home and just sat and taked until after 8pm. what fun it is to have them here!! this morning we are going out for breakfast. Tom loves beans and mexican and I think Aggie would rather have good old fashion breakfast so I think we will go to Taqueria San Juan as they have both. we haven;t been there yet but hear that it's pretty good. them maybe we'll take the truck and go for a beach ride along the sand and see the hearty soles that live along the way. I think it's neat but something about living on sand with the wind blowing and waves crashingg that I feel would get old quickly. heck, we here the ocean waves crashing from our place and we have huge dunes between us and the water and it's still loud. OH, I almost forgot, as we were checking out the jetty park yesterday we saw our first Maine plate. tom was driving so we followed the pickup around the huge beach parking lot until they slowed down enough so we could pull along side a say hi. they are form some town up by Bridgton,me and are staying "on the beach" not real talkative but it was nice to know someone else from New England likes it here.
Tuesday evening Linda and I went to the Valentine dinner dance in the park, great food, great band good people. we met more folks and had fun. we sat with our neighbors and found out that they are both very good dancers. everyone here dances and does the Texas two step and I mean they dance. I usually love to dance, but I felt kind of intimidated as they whirled, waltzed, two stepped, and linedanced to very song. Dennis, our neighbor asked Linda to dance so he could teach her the T.T.S (2 step) and he made her look really good on the floor. She won't admit it but I know she won't remember how to do it again. We are talking about having a "neighborhood" street dance so we can all learn from each other. if it happens I hope to get pictures. well, I need to get ready for the day, but wanted everyone to know we are wll and really enjoying our visit with Tom and Aggie!! love ya all, stay warm, healthy and happy, Russ
Life here in Texas continues, we have been hanging around the Rv staying out of the wind and rain. I 'm joking, yesterday our friends , Tom and Aggie King. from PA that are also "winter Texans" came north from South Padre Island area for a visit. they called and said they were close but their GPS couldn't find our address and they were close but wanted to know if they should go on the ferry. I was sure that the GPS would have brought them north on RT 361 that I said not to take the ferrry ride and that they must have gone right by us and to turn around and head the other way about 3 miles. They started calling out roadside places so I could explain where to go but none of them sounded familiar, not that I know hardly any places that well yet. As they went a little further I did realize they were going away from us and we finely figured that they had come the shoreside route around Corpus Christi vice the island side. well they got turned around and returned and took the ferry and got here shortly after that. we had chatted at the rv and then went up town , found them a hotel just up the street from us and then drove around seeing the few sites in our area. we stopped a "Fins" a local resturant that Linda had been wanting to try and as it was nice and warm we sat out on the deck overlooking the marina. we wre all surprized when Linda had a hamburger and even more astounded when I had chicken. I always have beef, but they advertized that they used the same type batter on the chicken as they use on their well loved fish, so I wanted to try it. I would never order fish and figured it was a good chance to check it out. It was good, but who ever heard of using a cornflake type batter on fish. The burgers were huge! after eating and chatting we started out for more island viewing and decided to take the ferry ride , it is a blast and only takes about 5 minutes to get across. once across and into Aransas Pass, we stopped at the "big" grocery store H.E.B. (they have clean restrooms). killing two birds at once we picked up some supplys and headed home. we came back home and just sat and taked until after 8pm. what fun it is to have them here!! this morning we are going out for breakfast. Tom loves beans and mexican and I think Aggie would rather have good old fashion breakfast so I think we will go to Taqueria San Juan as they have both. we haven;t been there yet but hear that it's pretty good. them maybe we'll take the truck and go for a beach ride along the sand and see the hearty soles that live along the way. I think it's neat but something about living on sand with the wind blowing and waves crashingg that I feel would get old quickly. heck, we here the ocean waves crashing from our place and we have huge dunes between us and the water and it's still loud. OH, I almost forgot, as we were checking out the jetty park yesterday we saw our first Maine plate. tom was driving so we followed the pickup around the huge beach parking lot until they slowed down enough so we could pull along side a say hi. they are form some town up by Bridgton,me and are staying "on the beach" not real talkative but it was nice to know someone else from New England likes it here.
Tuesday evening Linda and I went to the Valentine dinner dance in the park, great food, great band good people. we met more folks and had fun. we sat with our neighbors and found out that they are both very good dancers. everyone here dances and does the Texas two step and I mean they dance. I usually love to dance, but I felt kind of intimidated as they whirled, waltzed, two stepped, and linedanced to very song. Dennis, our neighbor asked Linda to dance so he could teach her the T.T.S (2 step) and he made her look really good on the floor. She won't admit it but I know she won't remember how to do it again. We are talking about having a "neighborhood" street dance so we can all learn from each other. if it happens I hope to get pictures. well, I need to get ready for the day, but wanted everyone to know we are wll and really enjoying our visit with Tom and Aggie!! love ya all, stay warm, healthy and happy, Russ
Sunday, February 12, 2012
we love texas but where is the HEAT
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Saturday Feb 12, 2012
I'm backkkk. Sorry for the delay in writting, I have absolutly no excuse other than I am retired. We have been keeping a low profile as the weather has been cold, overcast and windy. We have been visiting folks ,we met in NOLA, that have come to our park and have loved spending time with them all. Linda and I have been invited to go to British Columbia during the summer and have actually looked on the map and seeings as it's only 3333miles it might just come to fruishion(how do you spell those big words). we have been to an open mike nite, been out to dinner, ate at friends rv, ate dinner here at the rec center, ate breakfast at the rec center, ate at our rv, and keep eating. now Linda needs to exersize, and I can just keep eating. retirement at it's best.. the sun finely came out for about an hour last evening and is out today but it's only 56 and the wind is cold. I know you northeners have no simpathy for us and i do understand that. OH, so you will be sad that your not here to join me today, I am going to the belt sander races this afternoon!!! it should be a hoot. Tom and Aggie, our friends from PA that winter further south from here are coming up for a visit next week and we are excited to see them. we had so much fun with them last year. i hope we can show them a good time here in Port A. at least they will eat well. well I need to sign off and go outside and hold Linda down in her chair before she blows away. I wish I had a wind speed indicator as I know if I put out our awning this craft wood sail like a kite. OH, for your info, the Hovacraft we build this fall had it's seatrials and had a couple of issues. on the first day it sheared the key in the thrust moter. that repaired the second trial commenced and it went well for a bit and then something happened and the thrust moter shaft broke and the prop hit the duct, broke the ends off the prop, and did some damage to the duct. Brian(the owner) sent me pictures and we still don't know what happened first. the prop hit, the shaft broke or what but repairs are needed. The good thing is that it floated, went over land, water, and ice so we know that styrofoam and wood floats and the "skirt" held in the air. If anyone in a metalergist and wants to view the shaft parts to see if they can tell what caused the breakage, let me know. send notes and emails, as if the weather doesn't break soon, I will have to start reading maps. love and miss you all. your friendly winter Texan, Russ
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Saturday Feb 4 2012
First!! We went to Rockport today and stopped and ate at Steve Lews BBQ, and it was the best we have ever had!!! the brisket , sausage, pulled pork were all melt in your mouth and not drenched with sauce. Amazing!! I was so impressed that I checked to see if I could ship some to our friends and family but they aren't set up tp do it yet. It's run by a family, the dad takes the order, the son ( maybe 15yr old) slices the meat and pulls the pork, one daughter gets the sides , another runs the register and the mom clears tables and talks to the customers. young kids and a real great place.
we had written a couple of long blogs but they crashed when posting and we got fed up and to be honest nothing really exciting has happened for a few days. Yesterday Linda and I sat on the beach for a few hours. I had a ball as they had big graders and a few loaders scraping and moving sand. The grader would just move sand back and forth across the beach for 1/2 mile or so and then head back, I guess he was actually flattening the beach but I have no idea why. You can drive on the sand but it's quite hard anyway. Well, i had fun watching.
In case it didn't make the last blog, folks we met in New Orleans showed up earlier this week and we have spent time with them. Today on our way home we got call from other folks we met and befriended in NOLA. They were close to us and didn't like the park they had picked so wanted to know where we were and ended up coming here. They walked over and we chatted for quite a while. They may come back this evening but will be back in the AM so we can play and visit. This is a blast! Mom, they are the ones from near Dawson.
One thing keeps getting proven to me and that is it is a small world. When we were at a quilt shop this morning we found out that the woman waiting on us was from Bristol, ME. This happens quite often and it's fun to find out what got the folks to move away from Maine and it varies all over the place.
Now that I have dumped everything in my mind, I'll slide the contraption over to my Valentine so she can write the important stuff.
Not much to add-our days have been busy, but doing what, just the normal stuff. Plus we have been biking, and riding around our new home, and visiting with our new neighbors.
Hope all is well you everyone. Chat with you again soon. Love-linda & Russ
First!! We went to Rockport today and stopped and ate at Steve Lews BBQ, and it was the best we have ever had!!! the brisket , sausage, pulled pork were all melt in your mouth and not drenched with sauce. Amazing!! I was so impressed that I checked to see if I could ship some to our friends and family but they aren't set up tp do it yet. It's run by a family, the dad takes the order, the son ( maybe 15yr old) slices the meat and pulls the pork, one daughter gets the sides , another runs the register and the mom clears tables and talks to the customers. young kids and a real great place.
we had written a couple of long blogs but they crashed when posting and we got fed up and to be honest nothing really exciting has happened for a few days. Yesterday Linda and I sat on the beach for a few hours. I had a ball as they had big graders and a few loaders scraping and moving sand. The grader would just move sand back and forth across the beach for 1/2 mile or so and then head back, I guess he was actually flattening the beach but I have no idea why. You can drive on the sand but it's quite hard anyway. Well, i had fun watching.
In case it didn't make the last blog, folks we met in New Orleans showed up earlier this week and we have spent time with them. Today on our way home we got call from other folks we met and befriended in NOLA. They were close to us and didn't like the park they had picked so wanted to know where we were and ended up coming here. They walked over and we chatted for quite a while. They may come back this evening but will be back in the AM so we can play and visit. This is a blast! Mom, they are the ones from near Dawson.
One thing keeps getting proven to me and that is it is a small world. When we were at a quilt shop this morning we found out that the woman waiting on us was from Bristol, ME. This happens quite often and it's fun to find out what got the folks to move away from Maine and it varies all over the place.
Now that I have dumped everything in my mind, I'll slide the contraption over to my Valentine so she can write the important stuff.
Not much to add-our days have been busy, but doing what, just the normal stuff. Plus we have been biking, and riding around our new home, and visiting with our new neighbors.
Hope all is well you everyone. Chat with you again soon. Love-linda & Russ
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Tuesday jan 31, 2012
Good evening,
We had another good day. Linda went up to exercise this AM and I did something, can't remember what , but I did it. When she got back we decided to go off the island and into Aransas Pass. We stopped at the quilt shop here in town to thank the lady there that was so nice last year that helped us decide to come back to Port A. We took the ferry across and went to Walmart. We got some things we thought we needed and I got some RV wash and wax stuff, as I am to frugal to pay for someone else to detail the RV. We have wanted to stop at Sonic to eat but with the the camper attached we could never get into their lots, so today with just the truck we could. It was good and quite funny when a bird almost came in through Linda's window while we ate. The birds hang around like they do at Mc Donald's and one landed on Linda's mirror and as the window was open, Linda jumped and squawked and the bird flew off. We came back across and stopped at the visitors center and picked up some more info and discount coupons. Made a couple more stops before coming back to the park. The neighbor ladys were out so Linda went visiting while I started washing the RV. What a pain! I now almost wish I wasn't so frugal(cheep is the real word). I got the front and one side done. I had a great phone call with Steve P. . He's my old boss and a good friend. We talked for quite a while and as normal, I feel kind of guilty talking about the great weather and all the fun we are having, while some folks have to stay up North and deal with the snow and cold. I really do feel bad that you all can't be here with us, and do hope that at some point you can travel as you may wish. I will try and attach some pictures that we took today and a couple of our RV and the neighbors I took tonite. Spoke with Mom and Dad today and am glad to know they are getting over their colds. The guy across the street just told me he caught a 35LB red drum fish today along with a lot of other large fish. I guess I am going to have to get my gear out and try my hand at it too. I won't have a clue as to what kind looks like what and won't know what to do with any if caught, but if they are biting, it sounds like fun.
Iwe have put out a couple of solar lites but the picture didn't come out. I'll try again.
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